'Burnout Paradise' news: Remaster now in the works

Promotional image for "Burnout Paradise" Steam

Apparently, the publisher of "Burnout Paradise" is not out of ideas for their game yet, as they have recently announced a high-definition (HD) remaster of the acclaimed racing game.

Electronic Arts (EA), the said publisher, has revealed "Burnout Paradise Remastered," which gives the game a more modern shine and takes advantage of the current capability of gaming hardware. The remaster will cost $39.99 and will be available in March for the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 (PS4) and will later be released for the PC.

As such, "Burnout Paradise Remastered" will have a native 4K resolution capability, should console owners have Xbox One X or the PS4 Pro paired with expensive 4K televisions. This resolution will also not be limited to the upgraded console version but also to all the platforms, including PC, though the Xbox One and PS4 base versions will only run the game natively on 1,080p but will still have 60 frames per second (FPS) support, meaning it can be played a lot smoother than its previous generation counterpart.

Thos who want all the downloadable contents (DLC) for the game will also be happy to know that the Remastered version will include all the existing DLCs from the original release and will not increase the price. With that said, the "Time Savers Pack" DLC will not be included as the only purpose of that is to unlock every vehicle in-game, eliminating the need for progression or winning.

As for those who only have a Nintendo Switch, sadly, the Remaster does not seem to be coming to the hybrid handheld console since the developers did not indicate so. As for people wary of EA's notorious microtransactions schemes, the game will reportedly not have any, rest assured, meaning no loot boxes or digital in-game stores that give advantage to people who have spare money for the game.

"Burnout Paradise Remastered" will be available for consoles on March 16 and later for PC via EA Origin.