Burn-Out On Can Happen On The Way Up But It Can Also Happen When You Get There: Here's How You Can Prevent It


Read Christian news websites like this one and every now and then a similar story will crop up: a high profile church or ministry leader who has decided to step down because it's all become too much for them.  They're tired, worn out, and in need of a break.  And the timing is also similar.  They have run out of steam at the peak, when their ministries are yielding major fruits.

We can often have this wrong notion that if we just fight our way as hard as we can to the top that we will be able to rest at the peak of our success. While there is the enjoyment and 'luxury' of being at the top, there will also be pressure and hardships as well. If you think that climbing is hard, wait until you get to the top.

Burn-out can happen to anyone and everyone, even to leaders. In fact, burning out at the peak can be even more dangerous because the higher you are, the higher the height from which you can fall as well. Whether you are at your peak already or still making your way, you need to be wary and vigilant against burn-out.

Romans 12:11-12 encourages us by saying, "Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

If we are to keep fighting for God's agenda, we need to keep burning with His zeal and with His empowerment most especially when we're at the peak.

The peak is not a safe place for anyone. Leadership will cost you and hurt you. There will be opposition, failure, exhaustion, anxiety and even fear. That's why leaders need God's grace just as much as always - or even more than before.

But even in our deepest need, Jesus can and will answer. He makes the invitation in Matthew 11:28-30 saying, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Jesus calls people at any level to cast all their burdens both heavy and light at His feet and find rest in Him. We will always need Jesus to quiet our souls and to bring us comfort and peace. As we push our limits, we need to set our feet on the solid rock that is Jesus because there is no other foundation that can be more sure.  And that means that as much as we're making time for all the tasks we need to get done and people we need to be responsible for, we must always be making time for Him.  

Burn-out affects anyone and everyone, whether you're at the peak or still on the way. But God's rest is also available to anyone and everyone who calls upon His name and we are to seek His rest as much as we seek His success.