|TOP|A mission event entitled 'Soul Nairobi 2006' will gather together young Christians in the UK with thousands of Kenyan Christians this summer, combining social action outreach with the aim of bringing ‘hope to Nairobi through acts and words of love’.
The event takes place from 13 July to 13 August.
Mission organisation SOMA UK will host the two-week evangelistic project and head to Kenya along with 30 young people who have signed up to be part of the group.
The British volunteers and Kenyan team members plan to ‘roll up their sleeves’ and get involved with practical work in some of the neediest parts of Nairobi, such as graffiti removal, clearing rubbish and running children’s holiday clubs.
SOMA’s National Director, the Rev Don Brewin, believes the initiative could have a huge impact on Nairobi, and said: “I am convinced that this project will prove, by God’s grace, to be one of the most significant events in the work of the Kingdom in that strategic capital city.”
|AD|Organised by the Church Army of East Africa led by Kenyan the Rev Steve Maina, the event is similar to outreach projects which have taken place in London and Manchester in recent years.
Key churches involved with Soul Nairobi include Parklands Baptist Church, Nairobi Baptist Chapel, Thika Pentecostal Church, St James Buru-Buru Anglican Church, Nairobi Pentecostal Church and the International Christian Centre.
Benjamin Welby of York is a member of the SOMA team, and said: “It’s going to be special to be a part of God’s mission to the men, women and children of that city, and it’s not going to stop there. I am confidently expecting the fallout of this fortnight to hit the UK with power to transform our own society. Bring it on!”
For more information on Soul Nairobi, go to www.somauk.org.