'Blue Bloods' season 8 premiere reveals Amy Carlson's departure from show

A promotional image for CBS' show, "Blue Bloods." Facebook/CBSBlueBloods

On a shocking twist, the season 8 premiere of "Blue Bloods" revealed that Linda Reagan (Amy Carlson) left the show after seven seasons.

After the episode aired on Friday night, Carlson posted a statement on her Instagram page thanking everyone who has supported her character from season 1 up to season 7. "My heart is full of gratitude to each of you for your generous support of me and my character for the last seven years of Blue Bloods – Linda Reagan," she said in her post.

"I have been touched by your compassion and enthusiasm. I loved playing Linda: wife to Danny, mother to Jack and Sean, nurse and working mom. I'm proud of my contribution to building this series. I'm so grateful to CBS and the Blue Bloods cast and crew. Mostly, I am grateful to the fans who have supported me and the show. Peace, blessings and many 'love you mores' to all of you," she added.

Carlson has been a part of "Blue Bloods" since its debut on CBS in 2010, playing the role of ER nurse Linda Reagan, wife of NYPD cop Danny Reagan.

It was revealed in the season 8 premiere that Linda, in fact, survived the fire at her home shown at the season 7 finale. Yet, she was later deemed to be dead in one of Danny's therapy sessions, revealing that she died in a helicopter crash while transporting a patient.

The unexpected departure of Carlson in Friday's episode had everyone emotional, including on-screen husband Donnie Wahlberg, who plays Danny Reagan on the show. After the episode, the actor posted on his official Twitter account stating his gratitude and privilege on working with Carlson for a number of years.

"In my 35-year acting/singing career, I've worked with some great talents. Amy Carlson and [original Blue Bloods partner] Jennifer Esposito are two of the greatest!" Wahlberg posted.

"I know many Blue Bloods fans will miss Linda Reagan. None more than me," he added. "Amy Carlson is a gift, a light and a true friend on- and off-screen."

"Blue Bloods" season 8 airs every Friday at 10 p.m. EDT on CBS.