Bizarre winged creature found: A fairy, an alien, or a locust from Book of Revelation?

The bizarre winged creature as featured in the documentary 'Watchers 10' on YouTube. (YouTube/Watchers 10)

What is this "thing" they found in the Mexican desert? Is this winged creature a fairy, an alien or a locust from the Book of Revelation?

Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be a creature of this world since according to experts it doesn't bear any resemblance to any animal that science currently knows about. Moreover, its DNA did not match any known animal on Earth.

Writing for Charisma News, author Michael Synder says he was astounded when he saw the creature as featured in L.A. Marzulli's blog.

The creature was originally discovered on the side of a highway in Mexico by a 13-year-old boy. A well-known Mexican investigative journalist named Jaime Maussan then got hold of it. An analysis of the creature was posted on YouTube in a documentary titled "Watchers 10."

Many people are saying the creature is a fairy. However, Synder says it doesn't really fit the description of a "fairy" since the creature looks gruesome and evil. "It has pointy ears like a gargoyle, and the body of the creature looks to me like it resembles an insect more than a person," he says.

Some people are calling it an "alien."

L.A. Marzulli and other researchers say the winged creature seems to have some similarities to the "locusts" described in Revelation chapter 9. The following is what Revelation 9:7-11 says in the Modern English Version:

"The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were something like crowns of gold, and their faces were like faces of men. They had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth were like the teeth of lions. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running to battle. They had tails like scorpions and stings in their tails. Their power was to hurt men for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek his name is Apollyon."

Synder notes that the creature's features look similar to the locust described in the book of Revelation. He says its face indeed looks like that of a man and it has a stinger at the end of its tail.

"I don't see any hair, but it is always possible that it could have had hair at one time. I do see some frightening looking teeth, and it definitely has very prominent wings," he says.

Synder says the book of Revelation describes all sorts of bizarre creatures and strange events that would be seen during the period just before Jesus comes back.

"If we are indeed living in the last days as described in the Bible, then our world is going to get very, very weird in the years ahead. So yes, a strange winged creature that looks like something from another world may be hard to swallow, but this might just be the tip of the iceberg," says the author of the controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict."

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