Bishop T.D. Jakes' megachurch The Potter's House of Dallas to help singles find love through ChristianMingle

New Christian friends gather at a ChristianMingle pre-Valentine's Day party. (Facebook/Christian Mingle)

Bishop T.D. Jakes' megachurch The Potter's House of Dallas, Texas has just teamed up with Sparks Network to help Christian singles find their perfect matches.

The new initiative, called ChristianMingle, was launched late this February. It provides a platform for The Potter's House congregants to connect with one another with the use of dedicated search capabilities, according to The Christian Post.

The Potter's House congregants are also free to "mingle" with members of partner churches through the church's website. Member profile badges will identify a member's church affiliation. The website will even provide users access to relationship experts.

The Potter's House Pastor Bonne Moon believes that ChristianMingle is the ideal way for churchgoers to meet their potential husbands or wives.

"This one-of-a-kind singles program from ChristianMingle will expand the opportunity for our singles to build a strong sense of 'like-minded' community with others, and may even spark some love matches," he said.

Aside from looking for love matches, Christians may also want to look for new friends from the megachurch's three other campuses in Fort Worth, North Dallas, and Denver.

Spark Networks CEO Michael Egan, who owns ChristianMingle, said their partnership with Jakes' church opens up a whole range of possibilities.

"Having worked with numerous church leaders across the country to shape this unique initiative, we're excited that we continue to expand our ability to help single Christians meet others that share their faith while also strengthening their ties to their church," he said.

ChristianMingle already has over 15 million registered users. The website says it manually reviews each profile and photo posted to make sure it gets "quality Christian singles for the best relationships."

As for Jakes, who has been happily married to wife Serita for almost 30 years, he earlier said that marriage and relationship require a lot of hard work. People should figure out their relationships for themselves because "every marriage is different," and other people should be kept out of a couple's personal business.

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