The Bishop of Bolton Retailers claimed that those who sell traditional Halloween merchandise, such as scary masks, are creating a 'climate of fear'.
The Rt Rev David Gillett has written to the UK's five biggest supermarkets urging them to rethink the way they market the pagan festival, celebrated on 31 October.
He said they are focussing on the darker side of Halloween.
Mr Gillett suggested shops stock hair braids, bright balloons and colourful costumes alongside traditional items.
"I share the view of many Christians that large retailers are increasingly keen to commercialise Halloween celebrations in a way that pressurises parents to purchase goods that promote the dark, negative side of Halloween and could encourage anti-social behaviour," he said.
"I am worried that Halloween has the potential to trivialise the realities of evil in the world and that occult practices should not be condoned, even if they are only being presented in a caricatured, light-hearted form."
He added: "Those in the church supporting this move towards a more positive approach to the event are not being killjoys, but are simply reflecting the concerns of many parents and teachers across the land.
"We want supermarkets to take a responsible position in relation to the products they promote for celebrating the event."
Halloween originated in Ireland as a pagan Celtic harvest festival.
The name Halloween derives from Hallow's Eve - the night before Hallow's Day or All Saints Day on November 1.