Billy Graham tells seniors: 'It's OK if you can't physically attend church service'

As a senior who struggles with health concerns of his own, evangelist Billy Graham understands how aging Christians feel when they are forced to miss church services because of their physical limitations. (Facebook/Billy Graham)

The older people get, the harder it is for them to do certain things—even things that they love, such as worshipping God in church. Because of their dwindling health conditions, seniors who are unable to move around like they used to simply watch church services on television, or listen to them on the radio.

Devoted Christian seniors sometimes feel guilty not being physically present in church, but famed evangelist Billy Graham said they should not feel bad about it.

"God knows your limitations, and he doesn't look down on you because you can't do everything you once did," he wrote in an article for the Kansas City Star. "Be thankful, however, that you aren't completely cut off from your church but that you're still able to worship with them through television and hear God's Word as it is preached. Remember, God's Word is not limited by distance or confined only to a building."

He then quoted the Bible verse Hebrews 4:12 to prove his statement. It says: "The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword... it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

Graham also said that seniors should do whatever they can to maintain close contacts with fellow church members. They could drop their pastor a note and explain why they aren't able to attend as much as they once did. They could also request for a home visit, so seniors still feel connected to the church.

"In addition, stay in contact with your friends in the congregation and let them know you're praying for them," suggested Graham. "Turn your heart and mind to Christ and the hope we have of heaven because of him. Sometimes, I'm afraid, older people become overly absorbed with their present problems."

Graham said people should avoid letting this happen to them by following what Colossians 3:1 says, which is to "set your hearts on things above, where Christ is."

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