What Billy Graham said was the 'most important fact' people needed to know about the Antichrist

The Antichrist with the devil, from the "Deeds of the Antichrist," an art work done by Luca Signorelli (1450-1523) in 1501. (Wikipedia)

The name 'Antichrist' will be a familiar term even to many non-believers, but who is he and how will we be able to recognize him? 

Billy Graham once shared his wisdom on his website in answer to a question from a person who admitted they were quite confused about the term and whether the Antichrist was 'alive today'?

They then asked the famous evangelist whether he thought we are already living in the last days as the 'world is in such a mess.'

Graham started out his reply by explaining what he thought were the characteristics of the Antichrist, starting with what the Bible has to say about him - namely that he is an evil being with great spiritual power who will come just before Christ returns and that he will oppose everything of God. 

He then went on to paint quite a stark picture of the Antichrist as a self-absorbed being that hates God and only wants to destroy all God's good work in the world.  

And Christians need to be aware, because as his name suggests, the Antichrist hates Christ and his people.

'As the name 'Antichrist' implies, he will be completely and utterly opposed to Christ and His people. He even will try to get people to worship him by claiming to be God, and both by his words and his actions he will do everything he can to fight against everything God is doing in the world,' he said.

'Just as Satan tried to tempt Jesus and stop Him from following God's will for His life, so Satan and his demonic forces will attempt to overpower Christ as the end of the present age draws near.'

Then Graham sought to answer the question about whether the Antichrist is actually alive in the world today? There were two parts to his answer - the first encouraging Christians not to overly worry about it.  And the second giving a cautious reminder that Satan is a real presence in the world.

'Is the Antichrist alive today? On one hand, the Bible urges us not to speculate about this or become overly anxious about it. On the other hand, however, it does warn us to be alert—because Satan and his servants are always active,' he said. 

Graham rounded off his explanation of the Antichrist by sharing one really powerful truth about him that will reassure people everywhere. 

'The most important fact about the Antichrist, however, is that he will not win! Like his master, Satan, he is already a defeated foe—because by Christ's death and resurrection He has gained the victory over all the forces of evil,' he said. 'Is your faith and hope in Him? ... Put your faith and hope in Christ.'