Billy Graham on why Christians need to pray before making a decision

Billy Graham says, 'We should be asking God to help us understand our choices more clearly, and to decide which is best.' (Facebook/Billy Graham)

People will always need God. World-renowned evangelist Billy Graham says people so desperately need God's presence in every aspect of their lives that they should always pray to Him before making any decision.

"Praying about decisions we need to make doesn't mean we stop thinking about them. Not at all," he writes in his column for The Kansas City Star. "In fact, we should be asking God to help us understand our choices more clearly, and to decide which is best. The Bible says, 'How much better to get wisdom than gold' (Proverbs 16:16)."

Graham commends people who seek God's will every time they make a decision, because in doing so, they are acknowledging that God's wisdom supercedes everything else.

"After all, we see only part of the picture, but God sees it all. In other words, we may think we have all the facts we need to make a decision, but we don't — not completely," says Graham. "We also may be swayed by our emotions, or unwise motives, or what others want us to do and not even be aware of it."

Graham says God's way is always best, even though it does not always seem that way. The evangelist assures people that God loves them and only want what's best for them, so they should learn to trust Him in all things.

"God has not left us to muddle through life on our own! He loves us, and He wants to guide us and He will, as we turn in faith to Him and seek His will," he says. "Don't let your pride or anything else, keep you from seeking God's will for your life. Instead, face honestly your need for his forgiveness and help, and by faith humbly open your heart and life to Jesus Christ."

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