Billy Graham Offers Two Tips on How Christians Can Fight Temptation


Being a Christian does not exempt people from temptations. In fact, world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham said Christians actually face even tougher temptations because the devil will do everything he can just to fill them with self-loathing and doubt to force them to commit sin.

"Nowhere does the Bible say that we won't be tempted to sin if we belong to Christ, not at all," he wrote for The Kansas City Star. "Remember: No one ever faced stronger temptations than Jesus. The Bible says that before he began preaching, the devil tempted Jesus for 40 days and nights, trying unsuccessfully to get Jesus to turn away from God's plan for his life and follow Satan instead."

Graham said Jesus faced temptation, and yet He did not sin. Whenever people are faced with temptations, Graham said Christians should look up to God as inspiration.

But when the temptation feels too much to bear, the evangelist suggested Christians do two things. "First, react with truth — the truth of God's Word, the Bible. Be clear in your heart and mind what God's will is, and ask God to help you turn away from Satan's lies," he said.

A friend of Graham's once told him, "When temptation knocks, I just send Jesus to the door!" The 98-year-old believes that's good advice, and he's been using it ever since.

Second, Graham said Christians should react with God's help. As children of God, Christians are no longer the same persons as they once were. God now lives within them through the Holy Spirit, so they should always turn to Him when they need help in fighting temptation.

He then shared the Bible verse 1 Corinthians 10:13. It reads, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful. ... He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

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