Billy Graham had some great advice for a thief who wanted to pay back the money he stole

There is no sin too great for God not to forgive, but at the same time, He wants His believers to make amends for past transgressions once they have received His forgiveness.

One man wrote to world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham and confessed a theft he committed several years ago. Unfortunately for that man, he could not think of any way to return the money he stole.

"Many years ago, I stole a fairly large sum of money from the company I was working for at the time. I feel very guilty and wish I could pay them back, but the company isn't even in existence anymore. Will God ever forgive me? I worry about this all the time," he said.

Graham assured the man on his website that God has indeed forgiven him. Every sin has a price, and in the man's case, Graham said it is years-long burden of guilt.

"But listen: God doesn't want you to carry this burden of guilt any longer. And you don't need to, because He has done everything that is necessary to make your forgiveness possible by sending Jesus Christ into the world to become the final payment for your sins and mine," he said.

Everybody is guilty before God, added Graham, and not just for the sins they can remember. The good news is that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the world's sins, and through this act of sacrifice, He paid the price for everybody's forgiveness.

For the man's problem of returning the money, Graham has a wonderful suggestion. "Although you can't repay what you owe to your original employer, may I suggest you donate it (with interest) to an organization that ministers to those in need in your community, such as a homeless shelter or outreach to youth," he said.

Graham also reminded Christians that God hates sin and not them, and the reason why He hates sin so much is because it hurts people and leads them to downfall. "Sin cuts us off from God and ends up destroying us — and God doesn't want that to happen," he said.