Billy Graham: Greedy people need Christ to forgive their selfishness and replace it with love and compassion

Billy Graham says greed is often linked with other sins such as lying, adultery, pride, or stealing. BGEA

Greed is a sin that Christians must conquer, and legendary American evangelist Billy Graham is saying that the only way to do so is to seek out Jesus Christ.

"The longer I've lived, the more I've come to realise just how destructive greed can be. One reason is because a greedy person is never satisfied; as the Bible says, 'All day long he craves for more' (Proverbs 21:26)," he writes in the Kansas City Star.

Graham says greedy people are essentially self-centred, because they only think about what they want for themselves, and pay no mind to what others may want or need. Greed is also very deceptive, he says, since it makes people think that nothing is more important in life than one's money and possessions.

What's worse, there are several other sins tied to greed, which people often fail to realise. "In addition, greed seldom exists by itself; instead, it's often linked with other sins, such as lying or adultery or pride or stealing. No wonder one of the Ten Commandments states, 'You shall not covet ... anything that belongs to your neighbour' (Exodus 20:17)," says Graham.

For those who want to know the root cause of greed, Graham explains that it comes from within ourselves and "from within our own hearts and minds." Because of this, people need Christ, for it is only God who can forgive sins and selfishness, and replace them with love and compassion.

"The Bible rightly says, 'The greedy bring ruin to their households' (Proverbs 15:27)," shares Graham.

He wants people to be reminded that "the greatest legacy we can ever leave to the next generation is the example of a life that was lived for Christ." He urges prayers for those who might be trapped in the clutches of greed.

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