Billy Graham on why Pontius Pilate didn't let Jesus go even though he believed he was innocent

Vincent Regan portrays the role of Pilate in AD The Bible Continues NBC

Billy Graham once warned Christians of today against succumbing to peer pressure, like Pontius Pilate did to Jesus when he ordered him to be cruicified.

In his column, Graham addressed a question from one of his readers, who was puzzled by Pilate's eventual decision even if the Roman Governor said several times that he believed in Jesus's innocence.

Graham said that even if Pilate wanted to let Jesus go, he succumbed to political pressure when the crowd threatened him that doing so would be against the will of Ceasar.

"The only logical answer is that Pilate was a morally weak person, and instead of standing for the truth, he was concerned about only himself and his future," he said.

The pastor warned the faithful that Christians should not be swayed by pressure as this will often lead them down the wrong road. Instead, he urged them to follow Jesus' path as he is the only one who can say that "He is the way, the truth and the life."

"Pilate will forever stand as a warning against giving in to the pressure of the crowd and turning our backs on Jesus. And that can happen far more easily than most of us realize. Jesus warned, "Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it" (Matthew 7:13)," he said. 

An article from Bridge to the Bible also cites that aside from Pilate, there were many instances that attest to the fact that resisting pressure has its rewards.

In the case of Noah, because of he was not influenced by those who mocked him when he followed the Lord's command, his family was the only ones saved during the Great Flood.

"There is a lot of peer pressure to conform to the standards set by the world, and without a doubt it is possible for anyone to be caught up and absorbed into the system without even trying. However, the world of today does not offer a model which you want to copy especially if you are a believer. There is a different course to take which offers a much better model to copy. That is the path offered by Jesus Christ – his path offers eternal life," the post reads.