Billy Graham and his 2 children believe people are living 'in the last days' as level of morality dips further

Evangelist Billy Graham (C) and his two children—Anne (R) and Franklin (L) all believe that a 'Romans 1 judgment' is near. (

Graham family warns people are living 'in the last days,' says 'church is in danger of being led astray'

Evangelist Billy Graham and his two children—Anne and Franklin—believe that people are now living "in the last days" even as the world's level of morality declines further.

Billy says in an article for Charisma News that today's society "holds more glittering allurements than any other age in history." But instead of fighting against it, people are falling into these traps and "trying to gloss over these evils."

"This is not a time to gloss over, rationalise and explain away, but it is a time to oppose evil, lest our society becomes totally corrupt," he says.

Billy says the Bible already warned that one of the signs of the End Times is that "people will develop a capacity for delusion rather than the truth." He says he has seen this unfold as sin is explained by psychological terminology, while God is portrayed as a "sentimental creature" who never lets His wrath fall on anyone.

He adds that even the Church is at risk of being led astray because of false prophets and teachers.

His daughter Anne Graham Lotz echoes her father's statements. She writes on her website that America is in a huge mess and it seems like the nation is losing God's blessing and favour. 

"Could our sin be provoking His judgment?" she asks. "Judgment that is not necessarily in the form of a nuclear dirty bomb, or another ISIS attack, or an economic collapse. But a Romans 1 judgment as God backs out of our national life and turns us over to ourselves."

She adds that now is the time to get serious about prayer, because God already warned that judgment is coming. Lotz says if the nation does not His warnings, then God will unleash His anger and there is no one who can prevent it.

Lotz's brother Franklin also tackled the issue of America's decay on his Facebook page. The evangelist says America is "found lacking because of sin and disobedience to God's Holy Word." He says he is afraid that if people don't wake up to the truth and honour God, then indeed the end will be near.

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