Bethlehem students to paint new display for Lichfield Cathedral

Lichfield Cathedral is 1,300 years old and in the only three-spired Cathedral in the UK. Tom Allwood

A new set of Christian images in Lichfield Cathedral will be painted by Palestinian artists from Bethlehem.

The students will take part in residential camps over the next two summers to complete the project, according to Lichfield Live. The work will include images of Archangel Gabriel and St Chad and will go on display in the Cathedral's Nave when finished.

The Very Revd Adrian Dorber, Dean of Lichfield, described the project as "exciting and creative".

He said: "The Bethlehem Icon Centre is training young Palestinian artists in a form of Christian art that first began in the Holy Land. Our commission benefits the centre by providing an important UK venue for its work, but it links us in Lichfield with an unbroken form of Christian art that speaks engagingly and beautifully of the Christian story.

"As a place of pilgrimage and worship, I believe these icons will help all our cathedral visitors to pray and get a glimpse of God's generous love – his invitation to align our lives with his.

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"We also hope that by having the staff and students in Lichfield for the whole summer, local people can get to hear of the struggles people in Bethlehem face but also learn much from the students' faith and resilience."

The project will be overseen by the director of the Bethlehem Icon School, Ian Knowles.

The project will also include workshops on iconography, Christian culture and identity in the Middle East.

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