Bethany Hamilton celebrates first Mother's Day, says raising son Tobias has been an 'incredible blessing'

Bethany Hamilton says being a mother to Tobias Dirks is 'one of the best things ever!' (Instagram/Bethany Hamilton)

"Soul Surfer" Bethany Hamilton is really excited and thankful to celebrate her first Mother's Day this coming Sunday as a mom to her son Tobias Dirks.

To honour the event, she shared a photo of her carrying Tobias using a Tula Baby Carrier on her Instagram account (@bethanyhamilton).

"Raising Tobias has been such a whirlwind of emotions for Adam and me. The first two months of being new parents were especially tough for us, but it has been such an incredible blessing to watch him grow and for us to learn how to be parents," she captions the photo. "I have been so grateful for the things that have helped me through this new and challenging time that motherhood brings."

Hamilton earlier said that she immediately fell in love with her son the first moment she held him. Right then and there, Hamilton already knew she would die for Tobias.

"It was instant love and so magical to hold a child that has grown inside me, knowing I had brought another life into the world," she told The Daily Mail.

One thing that Hamilton is really excited to share with her son is her Christian faith and how it helped her deal with her shark accident at the age of 13.

'I'm so excited to tell my son about my accident, as he will see how I'm not your typical mom," she said. "As soon as he's old enough, I'm going to explain how I ended up with one arm, but then tell him life got even better because of what happened to me."

Hamilton hopes that Tobias will learn the value of hard work and determination through her story. "I want to show him a shark might have bitten off my arm, but that doesn't stop you in life, it just makes you even more determined and stronger," she said.

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