Benefits of being part of a church community

 Pexels / Tamás Mészáros

When Jesus established the foundation of the church, He had in mind a strong body where members were connected to each other. Looking at the God-given template of the church, it was always meant to be a community that one could become part of.

Church hopping is becoming more common nowadays. The Christian faith is now easily thought of to be like a fast-food chain that you can conveniently choose from depending on what flavor you're looking for that particular day.

But the church was not meant to be a flavor-of-the-day affair. It is meant to be a community, and in a community people are connected. Here are four benefits that you get from being part of a church community.


Being part of a church community brings edification, correction and encouragement that ultimately lead to stronger and more mature Christians. We grow best in Christ when we have brothers and sisters who fast-track our spiritual maturity by being a helping hand.

Hebrews 10:25 says, "Not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near." We grow best when we grow alongside others who can lead, guide, counsel and pray for us and our relationship with God.


Deep inside, we all want to be part of something bigger than us. When we become part of a church community, this is exactly what happens. In a church community, we serve a purpose and in serving that purpose, we grow in significance and belongingness.

1 Corinthians 12:12-30 likens the church community to a body where every member plays a specific role. When we become part of a church community, we are given a role to play. I hope we don't look at this as a requirement, but rather as an opportunity to put to use gifts that God has brought into your life.

Fun and Enjoyment

Acts 2:42 tells us, "And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." Fellowship, breaking of bread, praying and learning more about God together was never meant to be boring. It was meant to be fun! And we can enjoy this opportunity by being part of a church community.

Church is not about rituals, practices and rites. It is primarily about enjoying a relationship with our loving God and then enjoying fellowship with fellow believers.