Bangor Cathedral spends £800,000 rehousing senior clergy due to 'rowdy late-night drinkers'

Bangor Cathedral Wikipedia

Bangor cathedral is spending more than £800,000 rehousing its senior clergy because of problems caused by noisy late-night drinkers and students.

Bangor cathedral has already spent £450,000 on a four-bed house for the new Dean, the Very Rev Kathy Jones. A further £400,000 is to be spend on a home for the Precentor, Canon David Fisher.

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The cathedral blamed "noise and anti-social behaviour, especially late at night."

The moves come just two years after the cathedral spent £89,000 to improve the existing Deanery for former Dean, the Very Rev Susan Jones. The average house price in the area is around £160,000.

Bangor, in North Wales, is part of the Anglican Church in Wales.

One worshipper, Mark Roberts, told the Daily Post that he was unhappy with the new purchases, given how recently the present Deanery was refurbished. 

In its newsletter Bangor Cathedral said: "It has been evident for some time that the Deanery building presents challenges as a home and place of work. The location of the Deanery building means that residents can be subjected to noise and anti-social behaviour, especially late at night.

"Although some work to improve the shape of the building has been undertaken, the challenges are severe.

"The Diocesan Parsonage Board has therefore decided to seek alternative accommodation for the Dean and the Canon Precentor and their families elsewhere in Bangor."

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