'Avengers: Infinity War' rumors: Thor's visions in 'Age of Ultron' to come true?

Will Thor's visions in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" come true in "Avengers: Infinity War?" Facebook/Thor

Thor's (Chris Hemsworth) visions in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" may be more than just a nightmare after all as it is alleged that they will come true in the upcoming "Avengers: Infinity War."

To recall, "Avengers: Age of Ultron" featured Thor seeing visions of him being in a place he thought as Asgard. However, Heimdall (Idris Elba) told him that they were all dead and were actually in Hel, the dimension ruled by Hela (Cate Blanchett in the upcoming "Thor: Ragnarok" movie).

According to recent reports, though, it is likely that Thor's visions in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" will become a reality in the upcoming "Avengers: Infinity War" as the statue featured in the previous "Avengers" movie is also spotted at the set of "Avengers: Infinity War." Based on the photo uploaded by MCU News and Tweets, the Asgardian statue kneeling with a sword shown in the vision of Thor in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" is seen at the set of the next "Avengers" movie. Because of this, it is now suspected that Thor's visions will, indeed, happen, and the upcoming "Thor: Ragnarok" may feature Hela prevailing.

It has also been learned that, apart from the now controversial statue, Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson (who plays the role of Valkyrie in the upcoming "Thor: Ragnarok"), and Mark Ruffalo (who will also guest star as Hulk in "Thor: Ragnarok") have also been spotted on the set believed to be Hel, bolstering the belief of many that there is, indeed, an ominous connection between "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and "Avengers: Infinity War."

On the other hand, there are also those who suspect "Avengers: Infinity War" will include a flashback of Thor's visions in the previous "Avengers" movie after realizing he needs to find the Infinity Stones that motivates Thanos (Josh Brolin) in the upcoming Marvel movie.

Will Hela really prevail at the end of "Thor: Ragnarok" and make Thor's visions in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" a reality in "Avengers: Infinity War?"

Find out when "Avengers: Infinity War" arrives in May next year.