Author sees 'great opportunity' for church to reach out to Muslims, show them love of Jesus

A boy stands amidst Muslims performing the Eid al-Adha prayer, which marks the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Reuters

Jesus is reaching out to Muslims and the Church should do the same, according to author and Pastor Tom Doyle, who has spent 11 years as a full-time missionary in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Speaking to CBN News, Doyle says now is the best time for the Church to show the love of Jesus to the millions of Muslim refugees who have found refuge in the West.

If only Christians open their hearts and show compassion and friendship to these refugees, many will be won to Christ, he says.

"Today, more Muslims have come to faith in the last 10 years than in the last 1,400 years of Islam, so this is our great opportunity," Doyle points out.

He observes that Christians often shun their Muslim neighbours out of fear. He says this is not the right approach.

"I think we can get together with Muslims, have them over to dinner, get to know them, ask them what it's like to live in America, what it's like in their country, just befriend them and start to show them the love of Jesus. And I'm telling you that will open many doors with them," Doyle says.

The author says the Church should take its cue from the testimonies of many Muslims worldwide who have had miraculous visions of Jesus, leading to their conversion to Christianity. This Muslim "awakening" is discussed in Doyle's book, "Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?"

In the book, Doyle points out that "a staggering number" of Muslims are converting to Christianity despite the heavy personal risks involved, including death, according to a teaser on the book on Amazon.

But these former Muslims have fully embraced Jesus Christ after finding hope, peace, and inspiration from knowing Him.

In his book, Doyle not only shares the stories of these new Christians but also tackles such questions as, "Why would God use dreams to reach the Muslim world? Can dreams be trusted? What happens after these dreams or visions occur?"

The author urges Christians not to focus solely on Islamic terror and look at the bigger picture instead.

"Could it be that the real story about Muslims today is not global terrorism?" Doyle asks. "Could it be the real story about Muslims is that Jesus is reaching out to them with His offer of eternal life earned by His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead?"

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