At 97, Billy Graham hopes to live to be 100; mind still very sharp, his son Franklin says

Billy Graham (right) and his son Franklin Graham (left) are still preaching God's love and message to the world. (

At the age of 97, evangelist Billy Graham has already enjoyed a life well lived. When people asked his son Franklin about his father's health status recently during a Decision America stop in Olympia, Washington, Franklin expressed optimism that his father still has more years to live.

"When he was 90, he told all of us he was gonna live to 95. When he approached 95, he moved the goalpost. He said, 'I'm now gonna live to be 100.' I hope he does," said Franklin, according to Charisma News.

Billy's health status is a subject many people have been asking Franklin about since he recently wrote a letter sharing his father's day-to-day activities.

"He is still in his own home and often eats meals at the kitchen table as he has always done. Approaching age 98, he lives with limitations typical of old age—his eyesight is very poor, his hearing is not good, and he uses a wheelchair. Someone is with him in the house at all times," Franklin wrote.

He maintains that his father's mind is still very sharp, and his love for Christ has never waned. At the same time, there are a few well-loved habits his father clings on to.

"One of the things he enjoys is sitting on the front porch and looking out over the mountains on days when the weather is good and he feels up to it. He watches news with the help of a large-screen TV. His ministry now is praying, and he looks forward to reports of what God is doing around the world. He always responds by saying, 'Praise the Lord,' as he points upward," Franklin said.

The evangelist urged people to follow his father's example and pray for America with "urgency" because America is in grave danger. "Our nation is in trouble, and only God can rescue this country from its own folly," said Franklin.

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