As thousands of millionaires flee cities, people sense 'something terribly wrong,' says Pastor Carl Gallups

Pastor Carl Gallups says, 'We live in prophetic times ... ripe with opportunity to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.' (

Reports are coming out that thousands of millionaires are fleeing cities, with some preparing emergency bunkers, even as Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and some economists are predicting an imminent recession.

Pastor Carl Gallups, who is a former law enforcement official, is taking notice of this, saying Christians should heed the warnings being made by these powerful and wealthy people who have sought sanctuaries, WND reports.

"It is certainly telling that even these sellers of 'emergency bunker real estate' understand that 'millions of people' around the world believe we may be in for some tough times – perhaps disastrous times," Gallups told WND. "Even people who do not know the prophecies contained in the Word of God sense that something is terribly wrong and that danger is rapidly building. This 'sense of urgency' is the frequent topic of conversation the world over."

Gallups said Christians should not underestimate the importance of the era in which they live, which he called "prophetic times."

During these times, Gallups said, Christians enjoy an advantage—their faith.

"The truth is that even after having made the most ardent and adequate preparations, something unforeseen can happen for which you could have never prepared," he said. "So, the bottom line is that our lives are to be lived in faith. We prepare, not merely for our 'survival' or comfort – but we prepare so that when disaster strikes were are immediately able to minister to others around us. It could be that in the direst of times is when others will be most prepared to listen to the truth of God's Word. We live in prophetic times, like never before. They are often trying times, but they are also exciting times – ripe with opportunity to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ."

Thousands of millionaires have already left Chicago, purportedly due to "rising racial tensions" and "crime," WND reports.

Many wealthy people have also reportedly fled Paris, the French capital, following the terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic State (ISIS) and amid racial tensions.

While Chicago's millionaires mostly moved only to other cities of the United States, many of the 10,000 wealthy people who fled Paris left France altogether, according to WND.

The exodus is blamed on rising religious tensions between Muslims and the native French in urban areas. Many of those who fled were Jewish and have reportedly gone to Israel, where they feel safer.

The departure of millionaires is seen as a "bad sign" because "millionaires are often the first people to leave [with] the means to leave unlike middle class citizens," a report from New World Wealth says.

Some of the millionaires have decided to stay put but are taking extra precautions.

A report from the Daily Mail says wealthy people are not just seeking space in underground bunkers but are also installing "safe rooms" in apartments. Such preparations are driven more by fear of social instability than imminent natural disasters, the report says.

Taking advantage of current trends, the shelter company Vivos is constructing massive bunkers designed to protect the wealthy in case of disaster. The bunkers have pools, movie theaters, bars, and other luxuries behind gates and blast doors guarded by armed security forces.

In its website, Vivos says millions believe a "global life-changing event is just ahead" and many think "we are living in the 'end times.'"

Trump has done his share in spreading unease after he predicted that the U.S. is headed for a "very massive recession" and actually urged people not to invest in the stock market.

Although most economists disagree with his assessment, others support his prediction. Analyst Albert Edwards of the French bank Societe Generale said new data show the American economy is in a "gut wrenching slump."

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