Vocation is a gift and blessing from God, but it is also a responsibility. The vocation we choose and the way that we carry it out can heavily determine whether God will give His all out blessing to us or hold back. There's no point in blessing the wrong vocation for a wrong person because it will only drive them away from the true blessing that is God's purpose.
There are thousands of jobs out there, but are all of them okay for Christians to pursue or should some of them be off limits to Christians? Some might say that there are no jobs that should be off limits to Christians. In a sense we can enter into any vocation, but just because we can doesn't mean we should.
I believe that there are jobs that should be off limits to you as a believer. Here are three kinds of jobs that you shouldn't even think about if your faith is in Christ.
Jobs that do not honor God
Our chief end is to bring glory and honor to God most especially in our careers. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." When we fail to honor God or feel that we won't honor God there, then the "do not enter" sign should be clear. And this limitation does not just involve jobs like politics or military. You can enter into a church ministry that does not honor God and become a politician who does.
The nature of the job is not the only thing that should be carefully considered, but also whether the organization as a whole seeks the will of God. Sadly not all that appear to be Christ-following organizations are. We must look deeper and not stop at the surface because God always looks at the heart (2 Samuel 16:7).
Jobs that you do for the wrong reasons
When we enter a job for the wrong reasons like money, fame or our own personal glory, we can be assured that this job is off limits to you. Yes money may be important, but it should come only as a product of the primary reason we want to fulfill which is honoring God.
When God is most honored, we are best provided for. There's a reason behind everything that we do and it's best we check our hearts to weigh why we do what we do.
Jobs that don't maximize your talents
God has placed a divine call in all of us for a job that only you can do because He knows you can do that best. We all have skills, talents and gifts from God to be used to fulfill God's specific plan and purpose.
In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus shares a parable about three servants who were given talents. Two used them well while one did not use them at all but hid them. God blessed the ones that utilized the gift and cast out the one who did not saying, "You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed." (verse 26) Let's not be the ones who do not maximize God's gifts but the ones who use them.