Are all forms of debt really bad for our finances?


Jesus taught over and over again about the principles of finance knowing that money was and would always be one of His greatest rivals in our lives. The way we treat money heavily determines how we view God. 

When we value money more than God, we make all the wrong money decisions, but when we put Jesus as our true security and protection, we have a healthy view of finances.

There have been many opinions given about debt of various kinds. Some have gone as far as to condemn all forms of debt, including formal ones to be made on purchase of large assets such as property and cars. Is it really wrong to borrow money?

It's not a sin to borrow

Psalm 37:21 states that "[t]he wicked borrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives." God has nothing against borrowing money because borrowing money as an act is not a sin. Borrowing money without paying it back is what dishonors God. The Bible also finds nothing wrong with lending money especially if it's done to help the poor out.

It's not wise to borrow

While there is nothing wrong with borrowing money, God does not encourage it either. Debt can be either helpful or destructive depending on various factors. That's why 1 Corinthians 6:12 tells us, "'All things are lawful for me,' but not all things are helpful. 'All things are lawful for me,' but I will not be dominated by anything."

It's all in the heart

When Jesus spoke about money, almost every time He would refer to heart issues. That's because money will never be an issue of the wallet, but of the character of a person. Where is your heart at when you borrow money? Are you borrowing money simply to find satisfaction in things that you can't presently afford or are you borrowing it to help your family out by getting a house as early as now so you can accumulate the value of your money instead of putting it in rent?

What matters to Jesus most when it comes to money -- whether it's spending, saving, lending or borrowing money -- is what your motive is in doing so. When it comes as a response to finding security or satisfaction, we will always find ourselves in difficult money situations.

But when the managing of our finances comes as a result of viewing provision as something that comes freely through the grace of God through Jesus Christ, money questions will become simpler and clearer for us.