Churches are being urged to back the Archbishop of York's support for WaterAid's Christmas appeal.

Dr John Sentamu is backing the appeal for the charity's campaign, Made of the Same Stuff. He asked congregations to hold collections for WaterAid, which aims to provide clean water and toilets everywhere by 2030.
The campaign hopes to create a sense of unity around the shared need for water, which makes up 60 per cent of a human body.
Sentamu said: "663 million people in the world are still without access to safe, clean water. As we come together this Christmas to celebrate the birth of Jesus, please join me in supporting WaterAid to deliver clean and readily accessible water in countries such as Malawi, Tanzania and Bangladesh.
"Water is a basic essential that we take for granted – give a little to bring hope and health to many."
The charity claims 78 million people use fresh water for the first time each year. An increase of eight per cent per year would mean the goal of clean water for everyone by 2030 could be achieved, according to WaterAid.
A statement from the charity read: "Stories of political upheaval and terror attacks have left many of us feeling insecure and divided .
"With this is in mind, this Christmas, we have decided to celebrate what unites us, what we all have in common, what we are all made of. Water."