|PIC1|Christians across the globe will join in prayer for Zimbabwe this Sunday as exasperation mounts over unreleased results from the March 29 presidential elections.
The Chancellor of the Anglican Diocese of Harare, Bob Stumbles, has sent out a notice to the Anglican Communion's 38 provinces asking them to pray for the "critical situation" in Zimbabwe, but is appealing to Christians of all denominations around the world to take part in the World Day of Prayer for Zimbabwe.
The nation is "in dire distress and teetering on the brink of human disaster", warns Stumbles in the notice.
"Let the cry for help touch your heart and mind. Let it move you to do what you can immediately to ensure this Day of Prayer takes place in your country and neighbourhood."
Stumbles urged Christians to pray to "rescue Zimbabwe from violence, the concealing and juggling of election results, deceit, oppression and corruption, and to bring about righteousness, joy, peace, compassion, honesty, justice, democracy and freedom from fear and want".
Zimbabwe remains in a post-poll deadlock more than three weeks after the country turned out to vote in the presidential elections. Morgan Tsvangirai's opposition Movement for Democratic Change claims it defeated veteran President Robert Mugabe in the poll and that the 80-year-old president is deliberately delaying the release of the results in a desperate bid to cling onto power.
Tsvangirai has appealed to the UN and the African Union to intervene in the crisis and provide humanitarian assistance. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he would have to discuss specific measures with the African Union.
On Monday, the Methodist and United Reformed Churches spoke out against increasing levels of violence and political intimidation linked to the delay in announcing the result of Zimbabwe's presidential election.
Commenting on the precarious situation, the Rev Dr Stephen Orchard, Moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church, said: "The Zimbabwe Election Commission owes it to the long-suffering people of Zimbabwe to announce the presidential result without further delay, to enable people to begin the urgent task of rebuilding their shattered lives and economy.
"We condemn the campaign of violence and intimidation that has been embarked upon by members of the ruling party, following the announcement of the parliamentary election results. We also believe that people who hold power in any country have a first duty to care for the poor and vulnerable rather than for themselves."
Reflecting on the escalating humanitarian crisis, the General Secretary of the Methodist Church, the Rev David Deeks, said, "The impact on the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans has been immense.
"The people of Zimbabwe appear to have voted for change and the leaders of Southern African states bear a huge responsibility to ensure that the will of the people is respected.
"If that doesn't happen, the crisis in Zimbabwe could have an increasingly devastating impact on the entire region."