Anonymous donor hides $50,000 under baby Jesus for a children's home

An anonymous donor left a cheque for $50,000 under baby Jesus in a nativity scene at The Children's Home in Amarillo, Texas, after being inspired by their behaviour.

The nativity scene where an anonymous donor gave The Children's Home ,000 My Children's Home

The man left the donation to a children's home which has been housing orphans and at-risk children for 91 years. Rather than walking in to give the money, he chose to leave it inconspicuously under baby Jesus in the manger in the nativity scene outside the home on their front lawn.

The donor then rang the reception to alert them of the cheque that was awaiting them. Despite being very confused, the receptionist went out to look.

On finding the cheque, "as you can imagine, we were just taken aback," Darrin Murphy, president of the children's home told ABC7 News.

Although the donor wished to keep his identity hidden, he did explain his motivations behind the generous donation:

"He said that one of the reasons he did it was that he gets to see our kids and he watches their interaction, how they treat each other and how they treat their house parents. And he was inspired by them," said Murphy.

Murphy said that although, of course, the money in itself is hugely appreciated, the message behind it was really important for the children to hear.

"I told [the kids] that people are noticing you, people believe that you have what it takes and people believe in your future. It was huge for them and they were very excited about that."

The children's home relies on donations for 75 per cent of its funding, and this generous donation was a true blessing, Murphy said.