'Big Ang' cancer update: 'Mob Wives' star thanks fans as she battles stage 4 lung and brain cancer

Angela "Big Ang" Raiola Twitter/ biggangVH1

Angela "Big Ang" Raiola may be known for feuding with her co-stars on "Mob Wives," but the reality star is currently fighting the biggest fight of her life -- stage 4 lung and brain cancer. Recently, the star thanked fans and friends for their love and support after being hospitalized.

The 55-year-old took to Twitter on Wednesday, Feb. 10 to live tweet the latest episode of her VH1 show and to give an update about her condition.

"I am resting & will try to write with you all as best as I can tonight," she tweeted. "Just know that I will be watching with you & reading as much as I can."

The show's latest episode featured a look into her cancer battle as she and her husband Neil were seen at a doctor's appointment.

"Not looking forward to reliving this moment right now," Raiola wrote. She added that this was part of her journey and that people needed to be educated on it for their health.

Last week, it was reported that Raiola's cancer was not responding to treatment so her family created a GoFundMe page.

According to New York Daily News, the money raised will pay for cannabis oil, a substance commonly used as an alternative treatment to cancer, which can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 a month.

The page was created by her sister, Janine Detore, who revealed on the crowdsourcing site that on Jan. 26, the doctor reviewed the reality star's CT scan and informed the family that her treatment was not working.

"This is why I am putting up this go fund me to try to help my sister to get this oil to help her at least be pain free," Detore explained. The page, which was created on Feb. 2, has received $43,960 as of this week.