American parents more concerned about sex and nudity than violence in movies, survey reveals

People wearing 3-D glasses enjoy a movie inside a cinema. Reuters

American parents are more concerned about sex and nudity than violence and language in movies.

This was revealed in the 2015 Parents Ratings Advisory Study commissioned by the Classification and Rating Administration, run by the Motion Picture Association of America and the National Association of Theatre Owners, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The survey said 80 percent of parents are concerned with full male nudity (72 percent), use of hard drugs (70 percent), full female nudity (70 percent), graphic violence (64 percent), use of the F-word (62 percent), marijuana use (59 percent), horror violence (59 percent), non-graphic sex scenes (57 percent), suggestive sexual innuendo (57 percent), partial nudity (57 percent) and brief nudity (57 percent).

More than half (53 percent) of the parents think the F-word appears in PG-13 rated movies too much, followed by graphic sex scenes (51 percent), suggestive sexual innuendo (49 percent), full female nudity (47 percent) and partial nudity (47 percent).

Only 44 percent said there is too much graphic violence in movies with PG-13 rating.

"It is a responsibility that we take very seriously, asking ourselves before every screening: 'What would I want to know before letting my child watch this film?' We are proud of the system that we have created, a system that families everywhere have come to rely upon. Like any good system that is meant to endure, ours is one that evolves to reflect changes in social standards that happen over time. We will continue to seek feedback from America's parents to ensure that we are meeting our purpose to inform parents and doing the best job that we can on their behalf," said CARA chairman Joan Graves.

She added, "The members of the rating board are tasked with rating a film the way a majority of American parents from across the country would rate it. We provide information and guidance; we do not censor or give any kind of critical judgment on a film's artistic quality."

Filmmaker Michael Moore criticised the board when it gave an R rating to his latest documentary "Where to Invade Next." The documentary was given the rating for its language, violent images, drug use and brief graphic nudity.