AMD news: Radeon Crimson ReLive 17.9.3 software released

The Dark Elves from the "Total War: Warhammer 2," a game which is now supported by AMD Radeon. Total War Official Website

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) Radeon graphics processing unit (GPU) owners better prepare themselves, as AMD releases the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition version 17.9.3.

The new driver update for AMD GPUs will feature support and optimization for the newly released "Total War: Warhammer 2" and "Forza Motorsport 7." More importantly, this new driver update will fix the known bugs and issues of AMD's latest flagship GPUs, the RX Vega GPU line. 

The bugfix states that it will no longer cause a second RX Vega GPU to become idle at higher clock speeds in mobile GPU (mGPU) configurations, which utilize AMD Ryzen processors. In addition to that, the negative RX 580 mGPU scaling for "F1 2017" will also be resolved. The Enhanced Sync option, which was missing for some RX Vega GPUs, has also been addressed.

Players who bought "Total War: Warhammer 2" and own AMD Radeon GPUs will also be glad to hear that Radeon Chill support for the game has been added. It is a power-saving feature that regulates frame rate based on how players move in-game. In addition, multi-GPU support has already been added to the 17.9.3 drivers for the game, meaning that players who own two AMD Radeon GPUs of the same model can utilize the Crossfire support of both cards to increase gaming performance.

Despite the latest driver updates introducing significant fixes for the RX Vega cards and new game support, tech website Guru3D has listed some of the known issues of 17.9.3. Radeon Wattman, which is AMD's power management utility. According to them, it still has a bug where it may fail to apply user adjusted voltage values for certain configurations. Random and intermittent stuttering and lag in the game "Overwatch" may also be experienced by owners using the 17.9.3 drivers. 

One crippling bug which may happen with the 17.9.3 drivers is the DirectX 11 GPU scaling, which can fail to work on some applications. The rest of the problems are simple driver user-interface bugs and glitches.

Still, the said problems only affect some users. AMD Radeon GPU owners may download the 17.9.3 Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition drivers on AMD's download page.