Amazon's Jeff Bezos has just exceeded the $100 billion-mark for his net worth, further solidifying his position as the richest man in the world.
Bloomberg has been paying close attention to the Amazon.com CEO and was quick to announce when he became the latest $100 billion mogul. That makes him the first person to build a 12-figure net worth in 12 years. The last one was Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who hit the mark in 1999.
His success is a huge thanks to the recent Thanksgiving and Black Friday sale that made Amazon's shares jump by more than two percent, making his fortune go up by $2.4 billion to $100.3 billion.
Bloomberg adds that so far this year, Bezo's fortune has risen by $32.6 billion, the largest increase of anyone being monitored in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the media outlet's daily ranking of the world's 500 richest people. Last week alone, Amazon reportedly climbed by five percent.
Following this new record, there is a question on where Bezos plans to use all his money, or at least parts of it.
The former richest man in the world, Bill Gates, and his wife Melinda are widely known for sharing their fortune to several charities through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The same goes for Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, the third richest man in the world at $78.9 billion net worth.
As for Bezos, he has yet to find a major outlet for all his wealth. Back in June, he asked his 385,000 followers how he can be a better philanthropist. According to The Verge, the CEO received some 50,000 responses and suggestions, but he has yet to announce which of the comments he found most suitable.
It does not mean that he is not trying, however. A Bloomberg analysis says the new billionaire has given away Amazon shares worth about $500 million in current prices since 2002.