Actor Chris Hemsworth criticised for telling daughter who envies her brothers that 'you can be whatever you want to be'

Australian actor Chris Hemsworth, seen here taking a selfie with the Sydney Opera House in the background. (Instagram/Chris Hemsworth)

"The Huntsman: Winter's War" star Chris Hemsworth is all about promoting gender equality. However, the Australian actor might have gone too far when he told his 4-year-old daughter India Rose who envies her twin brothers that "you can be whatever you want to be."

It all started when India Rose started complaining about the difference of her body to that of her 2-year-old twin brothers. "My daughter's kind of envious of my [2-year-old twin] boys at the moment," Hemsworth said when he appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. "She came to me the other day and said, 'Papa, I want one of those things that Sasha and Tristan have... the things in between their legs."

Hemsworth was caught off guard by his daughter's statement, and he even tried reasoning with her that "girls have breasts." However, India Rose was adamant and told her father, "I don't want breasts! I really want one... I want a penis!"

Instead of explaining to his daughter the differences between a boy and girl's bodies, Hemsworth simply told his daughter, "You know what? You can be whatever you want to be."

Christian writer Claire Chretien was outraged by the advice Hemsworth gave his daughter, saying that it is absolutely wrong to mislead a child about her gender identity since no amount of surgery and hormone treatments can turn her into a boy.

"I wish Hemsworth could read the heartbreaking stories of people who experience sex change regret," she writes in an article for Life Site News. "Telling children untruths about sexuality, like the lie that they can change something so fundamental to who they are as human beings, is a grave disservice to them. I pray that Hemsworth will eventually teach his children the truth about their sexuality: that their bodies' designs speak to their beautiful purpose."