A hymn for Brexit


Many church leaders are grappling with how to lead their services and congregation this Sunday in the wake of the EU referendum. One resource that may be helpful is a new hymn launched just last week. At the end of every verse there is a cry to "transform, revive and heal society". Never has that healing been more in need than after this divisive referendum.

I wrote the hymn alongside worship leader and song-writer Noel Robinson. Joined by Rev Graham Hunter of St Johns Hoxton, we were commissioned by the Cinnamon Network to write the hymn for use at the Civic Prayer Gatherings taking place around the UK this Autumn, but it feels relevant now, too.

We hope you'll find it helpful as Britain looks to the future.


We seek your kingdom throughout every sphere

We long for heaven's demonstration here

Jesus, your light shine bright for all to see

Transform, revive and heal society.

Before all things, in him all things were made

Inspiring culture, media and trade

May all our work serve your economy

Transform, revive and heal society.

Peace, truth and justice reigning everywhere

With us be present in our public square

Fill all who lead with your integrity

Transform, revive and heal society.

Forgive us Lord, when we have not engaged

Failing to scribe your heart on history's page

Make us again what we were made to be

Transform, revive and heal society.

Faithful to govern ever may we be

Selfless in service, loving constantly

In everything may your authority

Transform, revive and heal society.


Music: Tune  Abide with me (Public Domain) – Henry Francis Lyte

Lyrics: Noel Robinson, Andy Flannagan, Rev Graham Hunter

Download the lyric sheet and hear the song at http://bit.ly/healsociety 

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