'A heart issue': Christians told to tithe properly to shift from poverty to prosperity


The Bible has several verses that cover issues concerning money and prosperity, but surprisingly enough, there are a lot of Christians who are not financially comfortable and are barely getting by.

Musician, play producer and educator Kyle T. Miller writes in an article for Charisma News that preachers are hesitant to talk about biblical prosperity because they fear being labelled as a "money preacher." 

"Thanks to many pioneers in the faith who suffered resistance, ridicule and opposition from religious scoffers as they made gallant efforts to teach biblical prosperity, many people in the body of Christ do not have a problem with Christians being financially comfortable," says Miller.

In order for Christians to shift from poverty to prosperity, Miller says they must learn how to tithe properly first. The Bible passage Malachi 3:9-10 is very clear about the setbacks faced by those who do not tithe: "You are cursed with a curse, your whole nation, for you are robbing Me. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this."

At the same time, Miller says Christians must not neglect their other responsibilities even if they start tithing. "People will give you lots of excuses for why we are not required to tithe today. Tithing is really a heart issue, though," he says.

When people learn to give out of a heart of gratitude, Miller says Christians will experience an increase in their fortune from their giving.

Miller adds that Christians who have participated in the occult are broke, because the Scripture clearly states that people who consult psychics and mediums will suffer poverty and lack.

"If you have ever been to a psychic or consulted mediums, palm or tarot card readers, or played with Ouija boards, you are under a curse that includes poverty. You should have someone who is skilled in deliverance to lead you through cleansing prayers so that you can be set free," says Miller.

He suggests that Christians who have offended God's Word on money matters must learn how to repent and make a conscientious decision to do better.

"So if you were moving down and you are supposed to be going up, you move in the opposite direction. Or if God has told you to go east, and you are moving west, you turn around and go east," he says.