'A Charlie Brown Christmas': What many people have never noticed about Linus' speech

Charlie Brown (left) and Linus (right) with the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. (Wikipedia/Charles Schultz)

Linus van Pelt's speech in "A Charlie Brown Christmas" has touched the hearts of countless people, and it's something that people enjoy hearing whenever they are feeling disenfranchised during the holidays.

However, many viewers fail to notice one significant thing while Linus was sharing on stage about the true meaning of Christmas, according to Faith Wire. When Linus quoted Luke 2:10 and said "Fear not," the beloved cartoon character dropped his security blanket. It remained on the floor for the rest of his speech, and he only picked it up when he finished.

Linus, who is popularized in Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts, is never without his security blanket. So his dropping it during the recital presents a beautiful imagery of a Christian's love and trust in God. Believers have nothing to fear because God is with them.

Theologian Fred Sanders also wrote for The Scriptorium Daily that it was "a perfect moment in a classic Christmas cartoon, and a profound insight." With Jesus, security blankets are rendered unnecessary.

"That's not the same as calling him The Ultimate Security Blanket, as if that too-cheesy title could fit in the sequence in which Isaiah describes this Son who is given to us. But as the one who teaches perfect wisdom (Wonderful Counsellor), the one who has all power to deliver (Mighty God), the one who brings the Father's love to us and exercises fatherly care for us (Everlasting Father), and especially as the Prince of Peace, Jesus certainly displaces our need to cling to the filthy rags of lesser comforts," he added.

Sanders added that it's simply impossible for Linus to confess "Fear Not" with all of his heart, all the while still clutching his "surrogate security." But knowing Linus, and what a big deal it is for him to drop it all all, Sanders said he became a "living witness to the truth of the coming of the Prince of Peace."