8 verses that depict God as our protector


With all the dangerous things that are happening in the world, in our nations and even in our own backyards, it's hard to imagine that God can and will protect us. When children are victim to rape and murder, calamities are wiping out villages and cities and terrorism is killing people, is God's protection truly absolute?

Skeptics are easy to question God for the hundreds of times He seemingly 'failed' to protect even Christians, while failing to see the billions of times He has protected us from even more danger. Just think about it: The whole earth could collide with a black hole at any moment, but God orchestrated our system to exist outside the line of any planetary destruction.

Moreover, God protects us from the true enemy—Satan—who wanted you dead even before your parents started thinking about you. Satan is out to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus gives life abundantly (John 10:10).

Not only is God's protection real, it's more real and reliable than any earthly security you can build for yourself. Here are eight verses on God as our protector that can assure you that God will protect you.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 "But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one." (Pexels)