7 Bible Verses to Help You Find Direction Again When You've Gone Off Track


With all the distractions and confusions that we face today, it's easy to lose our way or take a wrong turn somewhere along the road. Whether it's wrong decision with career choices, relationships with friends and family or even in our relationship with God, we may lose our way at times.

But the wonder of God's grace is that He allows us and even guides us back into the right path. He does this through the Holy Spirit who gives us knowledge and wisdom to discern our own actions and thoughts — setting apart the traps from the road signs.

If you've lost your way, know that it's never too late to get right back on track. It starts with a simple decision of taking time at one point to sit down and reflect upon the aspects of your life, asking God whether you are going the direction He wants you to go in these areas.

How's your direction in finances, relationships, career, ministry or any other aspect for that matter? Are you on the right track or have you lost your way?

If you've gone one or two wrong turns, ask the Holy Spirit to give you guidance in returning back to Him.

Here are seven Bible scriptures that assure and help us in finding God's direction and will once more if you've lost your way.
