6 Signs That You're Too Attached to the Approval of Man


Here's something interesting about man pleasers: Not a whole lot of them will admit to it. When asked whether they're after the pleasure of man or God, the majority of Christians will probably respond by saying "for God's of course!"

But when you look at their lifestyles, there could be indicators that that's not necessarily the case.

I have to admit that at times I live for the approval of man rather than of God. I count my readership, check to see how many likes my post got, and measure how many people I've helped and raised as leaders. This is because I feel like I need the approval of others.

Paul says in Galatians 1:10: "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."

The only way to be completely rid of our need for other's approval is to continue to serve Christ and experience His approval. Jesus' approval will always trump all others. The more we walk in God's way, the more we will not need the approval of man.

Here are six signs that you're still attached to the approval of man.

1. Criticism Hurts You

Whether it's scandalous or constructive, criticism will never get into a heart that really has no desire for the approval of others. This is not something that we all master right away. But the more we walk in Christ and the Father's loving discipline, we will not be quickly offended by the criticism of others.

2. You Like to Follow the Crowd

Some people follow the crowd out of convenience. There's nothing wrong with that

But there are those who follow the crowd to gain the approval of the crowd, thinking that satisfaction can and will be found there.

3. There Is Fear to Voice Out Unpopular Ideas

Inside all of us is an unpopular but badly needed idea that needs to be voiced out. There are ideas that could very well save organisations or even individuals from the pain of mistakes. However, those ideas could very well be trapped inside the mind because of an unwillingness to receive the disapproval of others.

4. You Are Motivated by Other's Affirmation

It's very inspiring to know that people appreciate the work that you do. But if we refuse to move without it, that could also be a sign that we value the approval of others too much.

5. Comparison Is a Habit

Someone in your office gets promoted or a friend buys a new car or house. What's your first response? Are you happy for them or are you quick to compare? Envy is often deeply rooted in a need to win the approval of others.

6. Good Deeds Are Too Often Done Publicly

Some good works are best done in the open. But there are also those that need to be done in private.

Are you quick to do good even when people do not notice? Or would you rather invest time and energy in the task that gets the most accolades and attention?