5 ways to serve the people in your community and bring the gospel to them


Christians who desire to serve the Lord will find that there are a lot of things that they can do. The phrase "serving the Lord" can be fulfilled through many ways, but in all of these ways there's one ultimate purpose: that the people may praise God and give Him glory.

The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 5:16, "let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." All of our good works aren't meant to bring us fame or glory. Rather is it to the Father's glory that we should shine.

Loving people is what the Lord Jesus Himself did in His earthly ministry. More than feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and forgiving those society condemns, Christ blessed all of us by "by turning each of [us] from [our] wicked ways" (see Acts 3:26), and freeing us from the captivity of sin and death (see Romans 8:2). It is because of this that we can serve Him without fear.

Are you looking for ways to serve the Lord in response to His goodness? Here are some simple ways you can serve your community and bring the gospel of Christ to them.

1) Pray for people on the streets

Believers in the early church had a ministry on the streets. People like Peter, John and Paul, among others, can be seen going around laying their hands on the sick and praying for them in the open without being ashamed.

We can also do this today. Look for people to pray for, opening your eyes to see if there's anybody who's sick, whether physically or spiritually. Jesus promised in Mark 16 that believers who lay their hands on the sick will heal them.  

This may be as part of a prayer on the streets ministry or it could be as simple as offering a prayer to colleagues, friends or neighbours - anyone who's not within your regular Christian prayer circle.

2) Feed the hungry

Jesus fed a lot of people. You can do it too – one at a time if a thousand at a time is hard for you. Look for the homeless and give them some love, attention and a kind word.  Invite someone who is in a lonely season around for dinner or fellowship.

3) Encourage someone

See that lonely person on the park bench? Or notice that exhausted fast food crew? Offer them a smile, say thank you. Give someone a pat on the back. Tell them that God loves them. You'll never know who will open up for a conversation, and be willing to listen to the gospel.

4) Help somebody in need

See that senior trying to cross the busy street? How about that person carrying a heavy load? Offer to help them out and make some conversation while you're at it. You just might save a life without knowing it.

5) Openly tell anybody and everybody that Jesus loves them

This should be a staple along with the other four. Grab that opportunity to tell people that God loved them so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for their sins. Love people enough to see that they will never know life as God intended it without Christ, and share His love and truth to them.