Bringing the Lord into a business is not much different than bringing Him into a home, says Dr. Steve Greene, who is the executive vice president of Charisma News. He believes that the aspect of inviting the Holy Spirit into the marketplace is one that needs to be strengthened, so that the kingdom of God will grow.
"When a leader is radically saved, his impact at home and work should show the first display of fruit," he writes in an article for Charisma News.
Greene then listed five ways pastors can engage business leaders into the church:
1.Visit the business
"Get to know the business and the work. Ask God for spiritual understanding about the inner workings of the business. While in the business, pray for favour on behalf of the business. Just as with home visits, pray that the Holy Spirit will be 'welcome in this place,'" he says.
2. Don't ask for money
A lot of business owners have complained that churches are only interested in their money and not their actual involvement, so Greene says money is a subject that the church must leave to the Lord.
3. Engage the leader
"Business leaders are frequently very good team leaders. Ask the leader to serve in an area in which you need a strong team leader. Listen to their ideas. Good business leaders have a good eye for growth opportunities," says Greene.
4. Accept the challenge
Business leaders will likely challenge areas of observed weakness, says Greene, and they will probably comment about the church's parking lot, bathrooms or child care problems. However, one aspect that business leaders should not find fault in is spiritual matters.
5. Lead the leader to walk in the Spirit
"Perhaps this is the most difficult challenge in leading business leaders," reflects Greene. "Our job is to teach leaders to walk by faith and not focus upon things seen. The practical side of a business leader can be quite fleshly. Teach and model."
With more business leaders involved in the church, Greene believes that the marketplace can change. "When we invite the Holy Spirit into a business, we can expect to see and hear by the inspiration of God. The vision of the business will likely be altered to come into alignment with God's purpose for the business," he says.