5 tips in making the most of your day every day


Every day is a blessing from the Lord. That fact that we're alive simply means that we're enabled to receive God's mercies which are renewed every morning. And the fact that we're alive simply means that we will get to see God do good things in the land of the living.

Some of us are unable, however, to enjoy the new days that come our way. This happens because of some reasons, which include past failures, unmet expectations, broken dreams and aspirations, and even the simple longing to have a better life – that just seems to remain a dream.

To help you enjoy your life daily, here are a few tips to make the most of your day every day.

1. Realise that life isn't perfect

We all live in a fallen world. Scripture even says that the whole of creation is groaning for redemption. Think about it. Research even says that the howling and crying of animals are in minor scale, which implies that all animals are crying with a sad voice waiting for God.

In the same way, realise that everything won't go your way, even if you're a child of God. But because you're a child of God, you can and should hope that even if bad things happen, God causes everything to work together for our good (see Romans 8:28).

2. Realise that we don't have control over everything

No, we can't control the traffic on the streets. No, we have no control over the weather. Only God is sovereign and is in control of all things. Knowing that we don't have control in many things – except our own decisions – we should learn to let go and not get fussed up by what we can't control. Remember that one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is "self"-control (see Galatians 5:22-23).

3. Remember that we have limited time and resources

We only have 24 hours to live in a day, and much of our time is eaten up by sleep and personal hygiene activities.Does this mean we're living in a continued state of frustration and discontent daily? We shouldn't. We should instead learn to redeem the time, for the days are evil (see Ephesians 5:16).

Friends, we won't live very long. We don't even know if we will live tomorrow, so we better live for God every moment of our lives. Realising that our days and resources aren't unlimited will help us gain a heart of wisdom (see Psalm 90:12).

4. Reach out to others daily

Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights, and these gifts include our godly and healthy relationships. Celebrate your parents. Celebrate your siblings. Celebrate your classmates, colleagues, superiors, and church brothers and sisters. Above all, celebrate your relationship with almighty God, who loves you and has given everything up just to have you as His child (see Romans 8:32).

5. Record God's goodness daily

I'm serious: Start a journal. Record how God blessed you and taught you truths in His Word and in your daily life. Go back to them from time to time and see how good He is even in the midst of your sadness and troubles. Start each day thanking Him for your life and for His goodness (see 1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Before you go home to meet God face-to-face, pass on your record of God's goodness to others. It will encourage them, and help them enjoy God's goodness on a daily basis, too.