5 signs God wants you to quit your job


Job satisfaction plays a big role in a person's overall well-being. It is God's intent to put His workers in jobs that are not just productive but also rewarding. With God's work comes the fruit of His Spirit. One of the facets of His fruit is joy. Are you enjoying your job today? If not, are you considering quitting your job?

In many instances, God calls us into different seasons. This means that God, at many points in your life, might assign you to a different profession or a different organization

But how do we know for sure that our season has come to an end and that God is calling us into a new one? Here are five signs that God wants you to quit your current job and move into a new one.

It's not aligned with His will. The most important consideration is asking ourselves whether we are where God wants us to be in the first place. Sometimes people - even Christians - can find themselves in jobs that are not aligned with God's will for them. In these cases, it's clear that we are to seek God's will first and go where He has called us.

Your family is being neglected. No matter what industry or position you are in, neglecting the family is never a good idea. God created the family to be the primary unit of all society. That's why He instructs us more times in scriptures on family affairs than in work ones. When family is being sacrificed and work is immovable, this could be a sign to move to a new one where you are given the liberty to prioritize family.

Your health is put on the line. Jesus said in Matthew 6:25, "...Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?" When God refers to life and body as being more important, I believe He also refers to physical health. We all need to be in jobs where health is not sacrificed on the altar of success. There's no point in losing your health to more money, fame and recognition.

It's too mundane and easy. While being in a demanding job can have its strains, being on the opposite end of the extreme is just as bad. If you're job doesn't challenge you and cause you to grow, it's probably not where God wants you to be. God created us as masterpieces made to do good works (Ephesians 2:10) and that involves being built up to become better and better.

There is very little opportunity to serve. Joy and satisfaction ultimately come from serving others. Proverbs 11:25 says, "Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered." Sadly there are times when our service is no longer needed. In cases like this, God calls us to new seasons and into communities and organizations where we can be of best service to others.