5 reasons why we should not worry about the Antichrist: Dr. Michael Brown explains

Michael L. Brown says 'the revealing of the Antichrist indicates that the coming of Jesus the Messiah is right at the door.' (Facebook/Michael L. Brown)

The thought of the end of times terrifies people so much that they sometimes focus on the Antichrist more than they pay attention to Jesus Christ.

Christian radio talk show host Dr. Michael Brown says in an article for Charisma News that he for one isn't afraid of the Antichrist, and he gives five reasons why.

1. The Bible everywhere tells us to keep our eyes on the true Christ, not the false christ.

When people focus on Christ, everything else in their lives falls into place, says Brown. It's true that the Bible paints a terrifying picture of the Antichrist, since he is described as "the man of sin" and "the son of destruction." But Brown says Christians have no reason to be afraid when they are "looking to Jesus."

2. John tells us we have had many antichrists among us for 2,000 years now.

Brown says that people should actually be more concerned about the many who oppose Jesus today than worry about the one who will oppose Him in the future.

3. The coming of the Antichrist means that the coming of Jesus Christ is imminent.

"For me, the revealing of the Antichrist indicates that coming of Jesus the Messiah is right at the door," says Brown. "Although those will be terribly treacherous days, they will also be wonderfully glorious days, days in which the Lord's return will be so real that we'll almost be able to reach out and touch it."

4. Jesus already told us that we would have trials and tests—tribulation—in this world.

Believers around the world have already suffered tremendously for centuries—they faced torture, slavery, and all kinds of horrors. But Brown says Christians find comfort knowing that Jesus will ultimately prevail in their lives not just in this lifetime, but for eternity.

5. Only the last generation will have to deal with the Antichrist.

"I do not object in the least to believers discussing the identity of the Antichrist and to studying what appear to be the relevant Scriptures," says Brown. "If it's in the Word, it's for us to explore and study and investigate and understand."

But if he were to be practical, Brown says generations that have obsessed about the Antichrist already died without seeing him. So he would rather not waste any energy worrying about the Antichrist, and instead dedicate his time in pleasing God and making a positive change in people's lives.

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