5 Career Choices That Show Our Utmost Trust in God


Our career makes for a very large portion of our whole life. We spend 40 hours a week for 52 weeks for an average of about 40 to 50 years of our whole existence. That's at least 83,000 hours spent working in practicing a career.

With that much time, we want to make sure that we're making the right decision of doing exactly what we are called to do. Our calling is more than just our profession, yes. But our job plays a vital role in carrying out our purpose. What we do for a living will greatly affect the value and impact that we make in our lifetime.

That being said, we all want to make sure that we are making the right career choices. Proverbs 3:6 urges us, "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

In all our ways, including our career choices, God must be acknowledged and trusted.

Here are five career choices that will show that utmost trust in God.

Choose purpose over profit. Monetary returns are an important factor in choosing a job for a lifetime or a season, but does it play too big of a role? While we all need money and should be wise enough to choose one that would pay our bills, bigger salary doesn't always mean absolute purpose.

Rely on God's favour over man's favour. When my wife first went out to find a job, it was tempting to seek networks and connections to make sure she'd land the right job. But we both knew that we would then trust in favours given by men instead of God. Who would we trust more: an inside recommendation or God's sovereign recommendation?

Love and serve even when it makes no sense. Bosses, co-workers and clients aren't always the best people to serve, but sometimes we aren't either. What that should make us understand is that service is never based on what people deserve. If that were the case, Jesus would have never served His own disciples or anyone for that matter.

Act in generosity. It hurts the wallet and the paycheck to be generous at work, no doubt. When we sacrifice a little bit, however, we win over others. This is not a strategy to manipulate people, but rather a simple way to express God's love to others. We give not to get back but simply because of what God has already given us.

Give your best even when no one else is. Colossians 3:23 tells us, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." When everyone's sitting back and delaying on their reports, that's the best time to worship God through your job and give it your all.