5 Bible Verses on Facing Your Deep Personal Struggles in Life


We all go through struggles in life, each and every one of us. Some of these struggles are meant to be shared with others, but some of them are meant to be carried alone. But whatever our struggle is, and no matter how challenging, difficult, or painful it may be, one thing's for sure: God is with us, and will never leave us nor forsake us.

Friend, are you going through a deep struggle that only you know? Are you facing a dilemma that's too hard for you to explain or too difficult to open up to others? Let me assure you: You're not alone.

The God of the universe, the God who made everything in creation, the God who rules over everything that was made, knows what you're going through. He sees you, sees your tears, hears your sobs, and knows what's in your heart. And if you're in Christ, He's more than just being your Provider and Protector – He is your Comforter, your Shepherd, and your Father who loves you so much.

Friend, let these words from the Bible help you face whatever struggle you are going through.