5 actions Christians can take when they're being bullied

 Pixabay / Steve PB

Gone are the days that bullying was limited to taking lunch money, flushing heads in toilets and beating up those who are smaller than you. Bullying has evolved and grown in the past few years and can now even occur online through cyber bullying, and it's no longer a given that bullies are the big and bulky kids who pick on smaller kids.

Whether it's someone maligning you verbally, talking behind your back, deliberately humiliating you in front of others, bullying is happening and it's real.

As bullying continues to increase in incidence, Christians are faced with the challenge of handling bullies. What does the Bible tell us about bullies and how are we to respond to their persecutions? Here are five actions you can take to respond to bullying.

Note: This list is not exhaustive, and there are many other things that God has taught us about dealing with bullies, persecutors and enemies.

Pray for your persecutor

Jesus was known to radically introduce ideas that went against the norm. One of which was the concept of loving those who you consider enemies and praying for those who persecute you. Sometimes, bullies are simply angry people who think that passing on the hurt to others will make it go away. Bullies and persecutors need prayers too, and the best person to offer prayers for them are Christians.

Do not resort to revenge

Romans 12:19 says, "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath." Revenge is putting justice in our hands thinking that God can't vindicate us. It's also built on the belief that only retribution can give us the freedom and peace, when the truth is that only Jesus can provide that freedom and peace we seek.

Find peace and solitude in God

When you're hurt and offended, the best person to run to is God. The Bible promises many times that He is our refuge and strength, and that God is a present help in time of trouble. There is no need to face the pain and suffering alone because Jesus is the Shepherd who is ready to take us into His arms and anoint us with oil.

Surround yourself with those who can protect you

Proverbs 17:17 says that "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Just as God has rewarded us with His comforting presence when we are down and out, He has also surrounded us with family and friends to run to as well. There is nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to bullying. It's important that people know when you are being bullied.

Take action

God never meant for you to be passive. Although our hearts must not be bent towards persecution, this doesn't mean that we just sit down and take a beating. Action must be taken to address bullying, not because you're fuelled by hate but because you believe it must stop. Bullying does not honour God and is destructive.