4-year-old boy's cute love letter to school mate goes viral: 'I love you and I lost a tooth last night'

 (Photo: Suada Isaki)

A boy's love note to a classmate has gone viral online, with thousands awe-struck by his cute metaphors and refreshing honesty.

Four-year-old Bennet Skinner asked his mother to type a letter to his classmate, Baily, and the result was a sweet confession of his love for her.

"Will you please come to my house?" Bennet asked. "Let's play together. I think you are pretty like a horse or a ladybug. I'm not sure which. You should come to my house and eat cheeses with me.

"I love you and I lost a tooth last night. I think I would like to do a magic trick for you and then let you watch me battle robots."

Bennet decided to send Baily a letter after watching his mother type an email on her computer.

"I asked him who he wanted to send a letter to and he stated, 'Baily of course,'" Bennet's mother, Jennifer, recounted. "So, he sat down next to me on the couch and dictated the letter and I typed word for word what he said."

Bennet met Baily two years ago, and is smitten with her.

"He talks constantly about her and how much he loves her 'yellow hair,'" Jennifer told Buzzfeed.

"He will be having his fifth birthday party in a few weeks and the theme is knights and princesses, he is over the moon knowing that Baily will be dressed as a princess."

It's unclear if Baily has received the love letter yet, although Jennifer said her son meant every word.

"He loves 'cheeses,' battling a box robot I made him, and he did just lose a tooth and since he was the first in his class to do so, what little girl wouldn't be impressed?" she asked.

"Of course Baily is a bit awkward at just 4 years old and really doesn't know what to think about Bennet. Honestly, I think he overwhelms her a bit."

Jennifer also admitted that the viral note has been a pleasant distraction to the family's problems.

"I have to say that the attention the letter has received has put a smile on my face, as Bennet was a very sick kid," she shared. "He was diagnosed with cancer at 6 months old and actually goes up for one of his last cancer checks in Portland, Oregon very soon. I'm always nervous about these checks and this has been a nice distraction."