4 misconceptions we have about missions


God has always had a global mindset when it comes to the work of spreading the good news about what Jesus has done for every person in the world.

When the early church was first established in the times of Acts, it didn't take long until the first church started going on mission trips to take the gospel to as far as it would reach. Today, God's Word has spread throughout the world because of missions and it will continue to propagate through missions.

If you're local congregation or you as an individual have not kept missions in mind yet, then it may be time that you did. Jesus charges us in Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Today, missions are not as emphasized as they should be because many people have various misconceptions about them. Here are 4 common misconceptions about missions that we must break in order to get more active in bringing the gospel overseas.

Misconception #1 | Missions are always dangerous

Going into the mission field will not always be completely dangerous. In fact, the goal of every mission-sending organization is to keep danger at a minimum. If you think that every missionary lays down his or her life literally for the sake of the call, that's not always the case.

While there are some that are called to risk life and limb for the sake of spreading the gospel, we have to break the mindset that martyrdom is the goal of missions. It's a possibility many missionaries face, but not a given.

Misconception #2 | Once a missionary, always a missionary

There are some believers that God calls to be a missionary for long periods of their lives, often years and sometimes decades. However, there are also some that God call for a certain season of their life.

More often, God calls missionaries on a Titus call basis, instructing them to raise up local leaders so that God can call them back to their homes or to other countries. Nowadays, some churches also participate in short-term mission trips that can last a few weeks or months.

Misconception #3 | Missionaries have to live off missions

While most missionaries live off support or salaries, some also respond to a call to be tent-makers, getting professions overseas and honoring God in the workplace as they volunteer in local ministries. Paul was one who would support himself in this way in some seasons of His life.

Misconception #4 | Only those who are called to go are to get involved

Not everyone is called to go into the mission field, but that doesn't mean that not everyone is called to get involved. Those who do not go can participate by either giving or praying for missionaries. Everyone has a role to play in spreading the gospel to every corner of the earth, whether it's by leaving our hometowns or by sending others out.