4 apps aside from Bible apps for your devotional time


Our daily devotions is one area that we must constantly grow in and value if we want to grow as Christians. The times we spend with God to listen to His voice, read His word, pray to Him and commune with Him are key to growing deeper in our knowledge and thus our faith in Him as well.

Growing in our devotionals helps us stay away from sin, know God's will, learn examples that we can follow.  It also builds our faith so that we can walk firmly and closely with God through the days ahead. A believer's value for His Word and His voice will heavily determine the quality of their's foundation and power.

Nowadays, we have so many tools that can help us grow in the area of our devotions. Aside from the many specialised Bible-reading and prayer apps that have been made to help you in your daily study, there are also other popular apps that you didn't know could help in your personal time with the Lord. Here are five non-devotional-type apps that can also help in your quiet time.


When God gives you a rhema word, it's always best to write it down so that you can go back to it and be edified. Writing your revelations is also good practice because God can reveal to us thoughts that may not seem relevant now, but could be of wonderful importance to us in the future.

Using a note-taking app such as Evernote is also helpful in that we can copy and paste verses and scriptures according to categories so we can use them for future reference when we share a word during small groups, group devotionals or even when just edifying a friend.

Self Control

When meditating on God's Word, there can be many distractions with social media, entertainment sites and sometimes even certain blogs being some of them. It's always best to shut out, and one way you can do that is using the Self Control app that blocks specific websites for a certain amount of time.

Simple Mind

If you're the more visual type who likes to see illustrative breakdowns of your Word study, you can use illustrative apps like Simple Mind to create charts and maps of ideas and thoughts for interactive and more creative learning experiences.

Spotify, Soundcloud or any music app

While it can vary for other people, many like reading God's Word or praying while having some worship and praise music play in the background. We can also take time to worship God in private by singing to worship music through Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple Music, Pandora, Google Play or any music playing app of your choice.